That One Friend

Screenshot_2018-09-19-20-22-08-06I have this one friend who overthinks everything. God bless him. Makes for an awesome chatmate. He literally just asked me to delete the entire conversation on messenger because he doesn’t want to get involved if I ever get a disciplinary something chuchu from the school πŸ˜‚ HE DOESN’T EVEN GO TO THE SAME SCHOOL LMAO


You know those teachers who want to make your life miserable just because they can? We have LOADS of those here in our school. It’s been 2 weeks since we first started ourΒ midterm exam. They said it was supposed to be an exam WEEK, not exam THREE DAMN WEEKS. GET IT RIGHT, PEOPLE!

Okay here’s the fun part. We have this major subject where our teachers never discussed anything. Whenever we met during our schedule, our teacher would just give us a little pep talk. How the heck is that supposed to help us with our grades? You think your oh so “inspirational” message will magically save our beyond-redemption grades?

Anywaaaay, so this girl decided to give us an exam πŸ™‚ the day πŸ™‚ after πŸ™‚ giving us πŸ™‚ a twenty f*cking something page πŸ™‚ module πŸ™‚ AMAZING!! SUCH CONSIDERATION FOR THE STUDENTS! MUCH WOW!! AND NOTE THIS, GUYS. WE ALREADY HAVE 3 OTHER MAJOR EXAMS SCHEDULED FOR WEDNESDAY. WOW. I REALLY LOVE THIS KIND OF TEACHING METHOD. I LOVE THE PRESSURE.

But y’all know how we students can be πŸ‘€ *cough cough awesomely manipulative cough cough* Some students actually managed to convince the teachers to move the exam to Saturday πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’– Three cheers to the students who have the balls to message the teachers and demand a reschedule!!

And so that, my dear hoes, is how my PChem grades for midterms has been saved.